How to Focus on Mental Health While Staying at Home Due to Coronavirus Pandemic

Mental health is important, whether you are isolating or not. However, especially in COVID-19, people are recommended to stay at home unless extremely important to go out and distance themselves socially. In such difficult times, different corporations and educational institutes implicated a work-from-home method to keep people distant and safe from infectious air. Schools, colleges, […]
How to Treat Pregnancy in Relation with Coronavirus

If you are pregnant or if you care for someone who is, you need to be aware of all the necessary factors to take care of during the coronavirus pandemic. In the peek of COVID-19, it became very hard for pregnant women to take care of themselves and their babies. During pregnancy, there are already […]
Coronavirus and Tobacco: How Does It Affect Smokers

Tobacco is one of the most consumed drugs across the world, and it is sold in the form of cigarettes of different brands. Smoking tobacco-filled cigarettes are very common among people. Some people have a habit, and some people do it occasionally; however, there is a debate going on in the world about how the […]
Coronavirus History: How It Started and Where Does It Stand

It’s been more than a year since coronavirus took birth and started spreading across the world. Although authorities and people have provided their best to tone it down and stop it, the virus is still at large, and, to be frank, people have stopped caring a while ago. According to health officials, people still need […]