If you are pregnant or if you care for someone who is, you need to be aware of all the necessary factors to take care of during the coronavirus pandemic.
In the peek of COVID-19, it became very hard for pregnant women to take care of themselves and their babies. During pregnancy, there are already multiple health risks, and one has to be extra cautious with everything. Now, knowing that exposure to the virus can danger not only yourself but also your child is a huge stressor for pregnant women.
Questions have been roaming around: Would my baby become ill if I catch the virus? Should I postpone my baby shower due to the virus? Can I travel for my baby during the virus? And more.
If you have any such questions, keep on reading. We will try to clear everything in this article.

How do I protect my child from the virus?
The only way to protect your child is to protect yourself. And you can do that by practicing the following things:
Practicing excellent hygiene routine
Frequent handwashing with soap
· Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, and nose.
· Try to stay at home as much as possible.
· Socially distance yourself to limit the spread of the virus.
· Wear a mask all the time when you are around people.
· Be extra health-conscious.
Can I go for walks for my baby’s health?
If going on walks was an essential part of your routine, you can continue it. However, it would help if you tried to stay six feet away from other people. Do not forget to wear a mask in public. If you have any mild symptoms, such as cough or cold, stay at home. There is no need to expose yourself and risk your health more; that would also endanger others.
If you are going for walks, do not forget to sanitize yourself before going out and after coming back. Drink plenty of fluids to keep your and your baby’s immune system healthy.
Can I plan my baby shower if I am careful?
It is recommended by all the medical experts around the world, including WHO and Harvard Health, that you abandon all kinds of social gatherings. If you are pregnant, you can put your baby’s life at risk too, along with your life if you organize a baby shower even with just a dozen people. You can never be too careful. Experts strongly recommend not to do host or attend any social gatherings.
Should I get tested?
Health officials suggest that you should immediately get tested if you have even the tiniest bit of symptom, no matter what. If you haven’t had a test yet and you think you might have a symptom or two of COVID-19, you should get tested immediately.
If you are based in Chicago, there is a great opportunity for you to get tested for COVID-19 at ChicagoCovidTest.com and insure your health, along with your child’s.