COVID-19 is a terrifying global pandemic that has badly affected all of us in several ways. Some people get recovered from this virus, while some people, unfortunately, get died as the COVID-19 fatally destroys the lungs. Although people are now strictly following preventive measures (like wearing a mask and maintaining a distance of almost 6 feet), there are chances that anyone can get affected by this scary virus.
But, the good thing is that with time, almost every country is providing COVID-19 testing facilities to diagnose and treat the virus. Therefore, it has become essential that everyone should know about the virus testing so that they can easily get tested if they think they have the Coronavirus. So, keep reading the blog!
What Are The Symptoms Of The COVID-19?
It’s important to know that the Coronavirus doesn’t affect everybody the same way. Everyone has different symptoms in the different stages of the disease. On average, symptoms may appear between 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus. Hence, they can proceed to show up to 14 days.

Here are some common mild and serious symptoms of the Coronavirus:
Common Mild Symptoms:
Dry cough
Less Common Symptoms:
Loss of smell or taste
Sore throat
Headache and muscle pains
Repeated shaking with chills
A runny nose and diarrhea
Skin rashes or discoloration of toes or fingers
Severe Symptoms:
Trouble in breathing
Continuous pain or pressure on the chest
Loss of movement or speech
Look for instant medical dealing if you have serious symptoms. Otherwise, people with mild symptoms can manage their treatment at home.
What Are The Different Types Of COVID-19 Test?
There are two types of COVID-19 tests usually conducted to diagnose the virus among people across the world. Have a look at them!

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test:
This test identifies the existence of viral genes in your body by using a swabbed sample taken from the throat and nose. Then, the sample is sent to a lab to diagnose the virus through a PCR machine.
Antibody (Or Serology) Test:
It assures the presence of SARS-CoV-2 certain antibodies in the blood. Though it can’t diagnose active infection, this test can help to tell if you have immunity to fight COVID-19.
How The Sample Is Taken For Each Test Type?
PCR Test- Nasal swabs
Antibody Test- A blood sample is taken from a fingerstick or vein

What Test Should You Get?
If you have active symptoms and want to know that you have COVID-19 or not, you should go for Nasal swabs (PCR) test.
In another situation where you tested positive for the virus and now want to know if you have antibodies. You should opt for a blood test to check antibodies.
The final situation is that you were ill and might have had COVID-19, but you didn’t get tested. Now, if you want to know that you have antibodies, you should again consider getting a blood test.
Do You Have An Option Of Free COVID-19 Testing?
If you have health insurance, you can get a free COVID-19 test. On the other hand, if you don’t have health insurance, you can consider the CARES act. It also covers all the costs of the virus evaluation and testing for everyone without insurance.
Conclusive Remarks:
So, if you are ill and have some symptoms mentioned above, you should get tested immediately. Visit the Chicago Covid and schedule a meeting for the COVID-19 test. Another good thing is that if you want to take a vaccine to prevent the Coronavirus, you can also get vaccinated from there.