How to Stay Away from COVID-19: 4 Things to Follow

It has been more than a year now since coronavirus hit the world and spread the wave of fear and devastation. As much as humanity is doing efforts to preserve lives, millions of people have been victimized. It is true that COVID-19 has an increased recovery rate than fatality rate, but it cannot be denied […]
Types of COVID-19 Test and Vaccines

As the city of Chicago has recently slid into the Phase 1C of vaccination, newly eligible people are once again in need of information on the vaccine. But that isn’t enough. The current numbers of COVID-10 cases are once again on the high and city officials have warned the residents of Chicago, especially young adults, […]
A Clinic in Chicago Is Set to Provide Free Coronavirus Testing and Free Vaccination to Eligible People of the City

Chicago, the city of the United States, has been recently advanced into a new phase of vaccination, Phase 1C. This allows the majority of the population to be eligible to get the vaccine, which includes the majority of workers in a wide range of industries and people with any of the large range of pre-existing […]
You Can Get COVID-19 After Getting Fully Vaccinated, Beware

A few days ago, Chicago slid into the new phase of vaccination, Phase 1C which allows more and more people to get vaccinated. However, people have a misconception that they are fully immune to the contraction of coronavirus because they have been fully vaccinated. Well, that is not true. In fact, people can contract COVID-19 […]
Importance of COVID-19 Test for Vaccinated People

Since Chicago has recently advanced further into Phase 1C of vaccination, more and more people are finally getting the doses of vaccine. Reports suggest that by the end of Phase 1C, the majority of the people of Chicago will have vaccinated. However, it is a common notion among citizens that if they get the vaccine, […]
Some Essential Things About The COVID-19 Testing You Should Know

COVID-19 is a terrifying global pandemic that has badly affected all of us in several ways. Some people get recovered from this virus, while some people, unfortunately, get died as the COVID-19 fatally destroys the lungs. Although people are now strictly following preventive measures (like wearing a mask and maintaining a distance of almost 6 […]
COVID-19 Test and Why You Should Get It Even After the Vaccine?

It has been more than 10 days now since Chicago was advanced into the Phase 1C of vaccination. The new phase has allowed a lot of people to get the vaccine now. However, a report showed that the vaccine which is being deployed in the Cook County mass vaccination site for the vaccination Phase 1C […]
Some Myths About COVID-19 Testing And Vaccination

No one can doubt the fact that COVID-19 is affecting human life badly. Started on 31 December 2019, this virus has been spreading continuously by damaging people’s health. It is a terrifying global pandemic that not only disturbs physical health but mental health too. However, dealing with this severe disease, many experts and professional teams […]
Why There Is No Need To Get A COVID-19 Antibody Test After Vaccination?

The latest research of the Immunology experts reveals that the antibody test conducted after two weeks of being completely immunized from coronavirus is a total waste of time and money. There is no requirement for being tested after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, and people are totally unaware of this fact. However, for understanding the myth […]
Why And When Do COVID-19 Vaccines Expire?

The most critical question that is trending these days is; when and why do COVID-19 vaccines expire? In this pandemic era, different countries are producing COVID-19 vaccines and distributing them to other countries to help reduce this scary virus from the world. However, some of the state officials claim that many of the COVID-19 vaccines […]